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Geographic distribution of adaptive traits in Southwestern White Pine (Pinus strobiformis) and potential trade-offs between growth and resistance to an invasive pathogen

Southwestern white pine is an important tree species of southwestern mixed conifer forests that is also host to a non-native fungal pathogen (white pine blister rust). This research is examining adaptive traits (e.g. cold hardiness, drought tolerance, and rust resistance) and the influence of epigenetics across the range of southwestern white pine and the interactions between these and climate. Common garden phenotypes are being coupled with genotypes through the use of next generation sequencing. The work, being carried out at 3 SEGA sites on the North Rim (White Pockets, Little Mountain and Bear Springs) will ultimately lead a predictive model of the distribution of southwestern white pine under different climate change scenarios. 

Principal Investigator: 
Dr. Kristen Waring

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