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Demonstration Restoration Program for the Little Colorado River (Pulliam Trust)

A demonstration restoration project on the Little Colorado River was established in summer 2017 in collaboration with Babbitt Ranches on land protected by a long-term conservation easement. Pulliam Trust support has allowed for the propagation and planting of trees and shrubs – primarily native cottonwoods.  The area has been fenced to keep out deer and cattle. Part of the restoration area has also been established as a SEGA core site with a full met station, soil monitoring and a phenocam. Adjacent land owners (including the Navajo Nation, the National Park Service, Arizona Game and Fish Department and the Bureau of Land Management) will participate in a mentoring program to train students and staff in the practical applications of the latest genetics, climate change and invasive species research at the site.

Principal Investigator: 
Prof Thomas Whitham

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