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Whitham, T. G., and R. K. Bangert. 2007. Genetic assembly rules and community phenotypes. Evolutionary Ecology 21:549 - 560.
Whitham, T. G., C. A. Gehring, H. M. Bothwell, H. F. Cooper, J. B. Hull, G. J. Allan, K. C. Grady, L. Markovchick, S. M. Shuster, J. Parker, A. E. Cadmus, D. H. Ikeda, and R. K. Bangert. 2017. IN PRESS: Using the Southwest Experimental Garden Array to enhance riparian restoration in response to global change: Identifying and deploying genotypes and populations for current and future environments. . in In Riparian research and management: Past, present, future. . Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-inpress Fort Collins U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.Fort Collins, CO, USA.
Wimp, G. M., and T. G. Whitham. 2007. Host plants mediate ant-aphid mutualisms and their effects on community structure and diversity. 275 - 305 in T. Ohgushi, Craig, T. P., and Price, P. W. Ecological communities: plant mediation in indirect interaction webs. Cambridge University PressNew York, NY, USA.


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