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Dijkstra, P., and K. J. van Groenigen. 2015. High carbon use efficiency is not explained by production of storage compounds.. 12 - 17 in European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Vienna, Austria.
Waring, K., S. Cushman, A. Eckert, L. Flores-Renteria, R. Sniezko, C. Still, C. Wehenkel, A. V. Whipple, M. Wing, and P. Yury. 2017. A holistic approach to genetic conservation in Pinus strobiformis.. 17 - 21 in International Scientific Conference on Genetics of Populations Progress and Perspectives commemorating the 80th birthday of Academician Altukhov and dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of the Laboratory of Population Genetics named after Yu P Biological Sta. Zvenogorod Biological Station, Russia.
Wimp, G. M., and T. G. Whitham. 2007. Host plants mediate ant-aphid mutualisms and their effects on community structure and diversity. 275 - 305 in T. Ohgushi, Craig, T. P., and Price, P. W. Ecological communities: plant mediation in indirect interaction webs. Cambridge University PressNew York, NY, USA.
Whitham, T. G., C. A. Gehring, H. M. Bothwell, H. F. Cooper, J. B. Hull, G. J. Allan, K. C. Grady, L. Markovchick, S. M. Shuster, J. Parker, A. E. Cadmus, D. H. Ikeda, and R. K. Bangert. 2017. IN PRESS: Using the Southwest Experimental Garden Array to enhance riparian restoration in response to global change: Identifying and deploying genotypes and populations for current and future environments. . in In Riparian research and management: Past, present, future. . Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-inpress Fort Collins U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.Fort Collins, CO, USA.
Clark, J. S., P. Agarwal, D. M. Bell, P. G. Flikkema, A. Gelfand, X. Nguyen, E. Ward, and J. Yang. 2011. Inferential ecosystem models, from network data to prediction.. Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America 21:1523 - 36.
Vecenti, F., A. V. Whipple, and C. A. Gehring. 2015. October). VARIATION IN STOMATAL TRAITS ASSOCIATED WITH DROUGHT TOLERANT AND INTOLERANT PINYON PINE (PINUS EDULIS).. in Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium (REUS). National Science Foundation. National Science FoundationArlington, Virginia, USA.


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