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Waring, K., S. Cushman, A. Eckert, L. Flores-Renteria, R. Sniezko, C. Still, C. Wehenkel, A. V. Whipple, M. Wing, and P. Yury. 2017. A holistic approach to genetic conservation in Pinus strobiformis.. 17 - 21 in International Scientific Conference on Genetics of Populations Progress and Perspectives commemorating the 80th birthday of Academician Altukhov and dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of the Laboratory of Population Genetics named after Yu P Biological Sta. Zvenogorod Biological Station, Russia.
Waring, K. M. 2017. DNA, UAVs, climate and disease: working across disciplines to sustain southwestern white pine.. in Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. Bogor, Indonesia.
Waring, K. M. 2017. DNA, UAVs, climate and disease: working across disciplines to sustain southwestern white pine. in Southwest Section Meeting – Society of American Foresters. Flagstaff, AZ USA.

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